“To many, retirement is a time to kick up your feet and do what you want and not what you have to do. But many find that very challenging as retirement also means no more regular income, no schedules, no deadlines, no traffic jams, no meetings, less contact with people, and the list goes on…At … Continue reading “Timeless Retirement – A Digital Story”

“To many, retirement is a time to kick up your feet and do what you want and not what you have to do. But many find that very challenging as retirement also means no more regular income, no schedules, no deadlines, no traffic jams, no meetings, less contact with people, and the list goes on…At 48, I chose to retire…There must be more to retirement.”

Timeless Retirement – a digital story by Goh Ai Yat created in a workshop by Digital Storytelling Asia (DSA), Singapore, conducted by Angeline Koh and Aurelia L Castro (TheStoryFactory).

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