“I let go of what I formerly knew. I took the risk to go into unchartered territory, towards self-discovery. The result was just beautiful. I’m reminded of how the business world also constantly faces changes that cause disruptions and complications. What worked in the past may not work anymore in today’s turbulent and volatile business … Continue reading “Creativity and Me”
“I let go of what I formerly knew. I took the risk to go into unchartered territory, towards self-discovery. The result was just beautiful. I’m reminded of how the business world also constantly faces changes that cause disruptions and complications. What worked in the past may not work anymore in today’s turbulent and volatile business landscape. We must constantly dare ourselves to explore. In acrylic classes I had to learn new skills. I found a new freedom to try something different. Friends no longer commented that my painting is so real. They said it is so creative. All because I took risks…I have become an artist in my own right. Every piece I paint is my masterpiece.” – A digital story by Goh Ai Yat (trainer, entrepreneur, artist, storyteller). Produced by Aurelia L Castro.