“When I was young, I used to be a quiet child. I was always afraid to speak up. However, it has all changed. I am Xue Ying. I enjoy adventures, traveling, and meeting new people. Summer exchange in university has widened my perspectives, my understanding of the world, and equipped myself with greater exposure to … Continue reading “Learning Journey”

“When I was young, I used to be a quiet child. I was always afraid to speak up. However, it has all changed. I am Xue Ying. I enjoy adventures, traveling, and meeting new people. Summer exchange in university has widened my perspectives, my understanding of the world, and equipped myself with greater exposure to diverse cultures. It has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, gaining confidence to interact with people of different backgrounds and culture.” – Kwan Xue Ying, Business Management , SIM-RMIT

Video Resume Workshop, SIM Global Education Singapore, November 2017.

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